We at UGA are annoucning that those wanting to attend the UGA Lewis
Grizzard tournament have until 11:59:59 on Sunday Oct 6 to submit a
packet for a discount. The *ABSOLUTE* last deadline will be 11:59:59
on Sunday Oct 13. If we do not enough teams by then, we may postpone
the tournament until March. If you do turn a packet in and we cancel,
we will hold your packets so you wont have to redo them.
If you are interested in playing our tournament (game show halftimes
and all) please email us at Quizdogs_at_... or Dawgboy30152_at_....
If you send a packet to us, I would rather you send to the AOL address
since of UGA email likes to go onstrike every so often.
So far, we have had the following schools show interest:
FLORIDA (1 or 2 teams)
We will also take free agents. More details on that later.
Robin, UGA CB