The University of Pennsylvania Academic Demolition Team is proud to announce PENN BOWL 12 the nation's largest packet-submission tournament. [Major changes from the announcement for Penn Bowl 11 are indicated between arrows: --> <--.] PB12 will be held on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 24-25 January 2003. Exact times and locations will be announced later, but we expect game play to start around 7 PM on Friday and to conclude around 7 PM on Saturday. The text of this announcement will be available on the PADT WWW site at: Registration will begin later this week. An announcement with the URL for the registration page will be posted to this group. *** WHO CAN PLAY PB12 is open to teams of college students currently enrolled in degree-granting programs. "Chimera" and other "non-traditional" teams may be allowed to compete with permission of the tournament director, but, in general, will not be eligible to win the tournament, nor will they be eligible for championship playoffs. *** PACKETS For schools sending TWO OR MORE teams, the A and B teams are JOINTLY responsible for sending a packet of 36 tossups and 36 boni, which must be blind to any other teams from that school. Schools sending ONE team are required to submit a packet of 21 tossups and 21 boni, --> OR to collaborate with a singleton team from another school on a packet of 36 tossups and 36 boni. <-- [~Both~ teams must notify the tournament director of their intention to do so ~before~ submitting such a packet.] Please note that failure to submit a packet by the regular deadline, 16 DECEMBER 2002, may result in teams being dropped from the field. Conversely, additional discounts can be earned for submitting more than the minimum required number of questions by that date. Full details on the packet requirements, which are largely the same as those for PB11, will soon be available at . *** GAME FORMAT Currently, like PB11, rounds will be timed with 9-minute halves. Power tossups *may* be used. --> One of the questions on the PB12 registration form will ask whether teams registering would prefer rounds to be timed or untimed. If enough teams indicate a clear preference for an untimed tournament, then the tournament will be untimed; if that happens, the packet requirements will be reduced, and a revised distribution and fee schedule will be posted. <-- *** TOURNAMENT FORMAT We guarantee all teams the opportunity to play 14 games. The exact format will be announced at a later date. The field will be capped at an absolute maximum of 60 to 65 teams (depending on the final format). Moreover, we are starting registration at 45 teams; as we confirm the availabilty of staff and equipment, we will raise that limit appropriately. *** FEES First team: $140 Second team: $115 Third and subsequent teams: $100 Provision discounts: Extremely early (4 November 2002): -$50 (full packets)/-$25 (half packets) Very early (11 November 2002): -$30/-$15 Early (25 November 2002): -$20/-$10 --> In addition, there will be an additional $20/$10 discount for the first three acceptable packets submitted before 26 November 2002. <-- Working buzzers and clocks: -$10 each Fully functional buzzers: additional -$5 each [The registration page will define "working" and "fully functional."] Full-time moderators: -$30 each --> *OR* $25 cash to the moderator <-- [This includes freelance moderators.] Other discounts (per team): One-way travel >700 miles: -$25 One-way travel >1000 miles: -$50 One-way travel >2000 miles: -$75 Missed Penn Bowl 11: -$10 Missed Penn Bowls 9, 10, and 11: -$40 --> A school that qualifies for both a new school discount AND a travel discount will receive the larger of the two discounts automatically. If an acceptable packet is submitted on time, 50% of the additional discount will also be awarded. <-- Canadian teams: -$45 Minimum fee per team: $30 Penalties: Gross negligence of packet guidelines: +$15 and/or packet rejection Penalties for late packets will be announced at a later date. *** REGISTRATION Schools may register as many teams as they want, and are urged to register as soon as possible. Registration will begin later this week. Until 1 November 2001, we will only accept TWO teams per school into the field. After that date, we will accept teams on a first-come, first-serve basis, with the caveat that the PADT reserves the right to give priority in registration for schools bringing equipment and/or moderators. Should the field be filled, a wait-list will be created, with teams admitted into the field in the order they appear on the wait list. To register, you must fill out the registration form which will be available on-line; the URL will be posted shortly. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail the Penn Bowl staff at pennbowl _at_ or to e-mail me directly at samer _at_ . On behalf of the entire PADT, I look forward to seeing many of you in January. Samer T. Ismail Editor in Chief, Penn Bowl 12
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