Brandeis Univeristy presents the first annual edition of T.R.A.S.H.:
Follow That Junior Bird, to be held Sunday, October 20th in Waltham,
MA, the TRASHiest city in suburban Boston.
This is a tournament open to all interested undergraduate and high
school teams. While we would love to have alumni and graduate
students as staff, play is reserved for the young ones.
Fees are as follows: $75, -10 each additional team, -10 buzzer, -15
moderator, -10 travel over 100 miles, -10 if attended Crimson Puppy
Chow the previous day. $45 minimum fee. High schools $45 automatic
Brandeis University is located at 415 South St. in Waltham, MA, about
10 miles west of downtown Boston. It is easily accessible from
Boston and the rest of New England via commuter rail, bus, and the
Mass Pike/I-95.
Contact quizteam AT brandeis DOT edu to register your team.