As part of TRASH's goal of making next year's TRASH Summer
Blowout aka Viva TRASH Vegas the talk of the quizbowl and trivia
worlds, we are looking for your ideas on how to make the event fun.
Specifically, what kind of events (extracurricular activities,
etc.) would you like to see occur during Viva TRASH Vegas weekend
(July 11-13, 2003)? Among the ideas we have received in recent
-- A golf tournament the Thursday or Friday before the tourney
-- A mini-golf tourney the Thursday or Friday before the tourney
-- Drawings for tickets to L-V shows, restaurants, etc.
If you have any ideas for Viva TRASH Vegas, e-mail me at
jdinan_at_... or post away on the QB Trash Y! message board.
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH