Beaver Bonspiel IX will be held at MIT on October 26. To date, I've
heard expressions of interest from the following teams:
Brandeis (1 open/1 JV)
Cornell (2/1)
Harvard (?)
NYU (1/1)
Penn (?)
There's still plenty of room in the field, so anyone else who's
interested in coming should certainly contact me at usher at math dot
mit dot edu. General information about the tournament can be found at
Needless to say, if I've forgotten anyone or have your info wrong,
please do let me know. As of now, I have yet to receive any packets.
The regular deadline for packet submission is coming up on Sunday,
and I would appreciate it if teams could make an effort to get their
submissions to me by then. If you contact me in advance, I can
probably be persuaded to offer you a one or two-day extension of the
regular deadline. Of course, this only applies to Open division
teams, since JV teams are not required to submit a packet.
I look forward to seeing everyone in three weeks!
-Mike Usher
Tournament Director, Beaver Bonspiel IX