Firstly I would like to encourge "the packets ops" to sign his
message instead of doing it anonymously. If you want to bitch, have
the balls to do it under your true identity.
For years, the circuit has been based in the East and Midwest. Your
point about the cost and time required is justified, however for
years those issues have been a problem faced and managed by all teams
west of the mississippi and probably some teams to its east.
The obvious answer to this is that most of the teams are east of the
mississippi. Perhaps if tournaments were held out west more often
there would be more teams to play. Of course I believe lack of teams
will not be an issue cause I have no doubt that somehow 64 teams will
find their way to LA.
As a circuit, we owe it to ourselves and other teams to expand and
not remain set in our ways. To be curt: Stopping Whining and figure
out a way to make it work like Berkeley, Cal Tech, Stanford, Simon
Fraser, Oklahoma, Texas, Texas A&M and others have done all these
Chris Romero