"the_packets_ops" wrote: > Besides, > Oxford and Imperial send teams to ICT regularly as well, does that > mean we should tell everyone to round up their passports and fly to > London for ICT 2004 so both British teams don't feel bad about having > to travel for the sake of the other 62? Not necessarily. But since you so considerately think of the plight of the British teams (of which there are more and better than just Oxford and Imperial, and I hope they'll be able to afford to come over to kick your whining ass sometime soon), I'd like to back the decision to hold the ICT in a major city rather than some of the backwaters that I've seen proposed. When you're travelling as far as the British teams, a few hours extra on a plane is neither here nor there, but getting cheaper flights to a major city is considerably easier than somewhere like Raleigh last year. You don't own this game on the East coast, so there's no good reason why the rest of the world should always have to get to your doorstep. And anyway, you'd better watch your squealing about the possibility of a British ICT, because I've already done research to show it's no more expensive to get flights to London for most teams, and I fully intend to use it to put a bid for a London ICT in 2004. Rob (who will happily sign his post and not hide behind cowardly clues) ===== -- Rob Linham: E-mail: rob_linham_at_... Phone: 07855 079433 Web: http://www.geocities.com/rob_linham ICQ: 23064118 MSN: rlinham_at_... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com
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