--- In quizbowl_at_y..., ratatosk22 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> One quick question, before my "bet": has anyone experienced real
> problems in getting a buzzer through airport security? I haven't
> done it since 9/11, so I don't really know, and I assume the West
> Coast site will need a good number of buzzers from East Coast teams.
That is almost certainly true.
> Anyway, while I think it is fair to hold the ICT in LA,
> some teams like Sudheer's Illini (and especially teams from farther
> east) will find it difficult to pay for transcontinental flight.
> Further, it's probably not wise to book a supersaver flight until
> qualify (unless you know you are a Top 10-15 team).
> So I am willing to bet that NAQT will _not_ fill its allotment of
> teams. For the first six people (from six different schools) who e-
The current plan is for the field to be the same as last year, 36
Division I teams and 32 Division II teams. This may affect your bet
or those of the people betting against you.
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC