Doug: <<The situation is: last tossup of
the game, your team is up by between 5 and 20 points.
The other team misses the tossup. Then you're sure as
heck not going to answer it and risk the other team
getting a chance to clean up on your bonus. This
qualifies under the objection that many people have aired
in many different situations and that we've tried
our best to eliminate from the game: we do not want
to penalize extra knowledge. >>
I don't
see that making a difference whether or not you have
reboundable boni or not. If you're up by 5 points going into
the last tossup, and the other team misses, chances
are you'd probably want to go ahead and not answer
anyway. Other than for "selfish" tiebreaker reasons, why
would a team in the lead that had just clinched the
victory want to answer a tossup correctly and go for the
bonus regardless of playing reboundable bonuses or not?
Personal stat-padding? :)
That's the essence of
killing the clock. That's the rule behind being ahead by
10 points and taking the "safety" neg on a tossup if
you have less than 5 seconds left. Playing badly to
me is when you simply don't work as a team; these
situations consist of playing strategically... albeit not in
a way that I would like, but it's certainly allowed
depending on game format.