TRASH (Testing Recall About Strange Happenings) is pleased to
announce that the University of Minnesota will host the TRASH Upper
Midwest Regional. The tournament is scheduled the weekend of
November 8-10, 2002!
Contact for the tournament is Matt Sauter <saut0041_at_...>
As we stand now, there are TEN hosts for TRASH Regionals...
New England - Boston U.
Mid-Atlantic - Carnegie-Mellon
South - Duke
Deep South - Emory
Great Lakes - Western Ontario
Midwest - UIUC
Upper Midwest - Minnesota
Southwest - Oklahoma
West - Berkeley
PNW - Simon Fraser
The 2002-03 cycle of TRASH promises to be the biggest one yet -
not only with Regionals and TRASHionals, but our first-ever Junior
Bird tourneys, as well as the long-awaited Viva TRASH Vegas benefit!
Hope to see ALL of you at a TRASH Junior Bird or Regional!!
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH