I would strongly suggest that your team write the packets yourselves,
even if you just told the world where you were getting your
questions. My reasoning has some sound thought to it:
(a) You KNOW you have packet integrity if you wrote them yourselves.
(b) You can point the frats to the stanford archives to study from,
and hell, you might find a good strong player in the tournament to
recruit into your cadre of evil.
(c) The questions don't have to be ACF Nationals calibre for
fraternities. Georgia Tech has a similar thing that the school of
engineering (a full 60% of our student body) puts on, and the
questions are, as I'm told, not super hella difficult. Just something
that shows that the frat people do something other than drink and
have sex with semi to un conscious women.
(d) The best way to study is to write questions.
Perhaps you could fill us in on the details of exactly how many
rounds you had in mind.