To the Quizbowl Community:
(I)ndiana (U)niversity (Q)uiz (B)owl would like to announce its first
juniorbird tournament (interesting name to be announced shortly),
with questions provided by NAQT, held on December 7, 2002 on the
Bloomington Campus of Indiana University. This is intended to be a
smaller tournament (we'll cap the field at 8 teams, though
participants will play as many rounds as possible), open to anyone
with Division II eligibility per NAQT rules. For now, there will be a
limit of 2 teams from the same institution. A makeshift website for
the tournament is being set up, which will soon contain important
information about the tournament and details like parking on the IUB
campus. The address will be announced as soon as it is functional.
The fee structure is as follows:
$85.00 base fee per team
-$10.00 per working buzzer system (which we'll need--please bring
-$10.00 for bringing a game official
-$10.00 for every hundred miles after 500 travel distance to
Bloomington (as determined by Yahoo!)
$55.00 minimum fee
To register or signal interest, please e-mail me, Wesley Mathews, at
castrioti_at_.... We hope to see you in Bloomington this December!