TECHNOPHOBIA SEVEN, the seventh annual Caltech Quiz Bowl college invitational tournament, will be held on November 23, 2002. Technophobia Seven will be a submitted-packet tournament in the traditional Technophobia style: untimed packets of 22 questions. We will begin Saturday morning (~9:00 AM or so) and continue until sometime Saturday evening. The basic fee structure is: Base fee: $100 + 1 packet for the first team $85 + 1 packet for each additional team (please keep packets blind between teams from the same school) working buzzer system: -$5 visible clock: +$10 [its an untimed tournament, you nimrod] experienced moderator: -$10 early packet: -$15 if received before November 9, 2002 late packet: +$5/day if received after 12:00 AM November 17, 2002 Technophobia is open to all adults, whether they are or have ever been college students or graduates, but high school teams will not be admitted except by special (and unlikely) dispensation by the Tournament Director. There will be a prize for Best Question Packet Submitted. The deadline for submitted packets is 12:00 AM November 20, 2002. Please write a question packet of 27 toss-ups, 27 boni distributed as follows: Please write a question packet with 27 toss-ups and 27 bonuses, each conforming to the following subject distribution: 4 Science 4 History 4 Literature 2 Geography 2 Fine Arts 2 Pop Culture 1 Social Science 1 Religion/Mythology 1 Current Events 1 Sports ONE MORE Social Science OR Religion/Mythology ONE MORE Current Events OR Sports OR Pop Culture THREE MORE General Knowledge/Any Category (but no two in the same category) More detailed (and slightly outdated) guidelines are available at . For more information or to register/submit a packet, contact quizbowl_at_... .
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