> CERN's in the Swiss Alps, remember. Very scenic. Cold Spring Harbor
> is pretty too -- somewhere around I have (disturbing) photos of
> Salvador Luria in a speedo. Oak Ridge is right close to Chattanooga,
> so that's not that inaccessible, plus it can be nice down there in
> the spring.
> LANL, now, THAT's in the middle of goddamn nowhere.
Two hours is "right close"? In that case, LANL is right close to
Albuquerque, home of the University of New Mexico. (In fact, the distance
is almost exactly the same.) Furthermore, the skiing is much better, and
Santa Fe (35 minutes away) is the second-largest art market in the world.
Interestingly enough, however, the residents of Los Alamos frequently
refer to their hometown as LA, and occassionally to Santa Fe as SF. This
leads to the second-order perversity of SF being larger than and north of
LA. One gets used to it, I'm told.
So, if LA doesn't work out, perhaps we could try LA next year. Los Alamos
in 2004! :-)
--Adam Engelhart
(employed by, but *not* speaking for)
Computer and Computational Sciences Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory