On Saturday, October 26, the Northwestern University Quiz Bowl team
is hosting the annual Wildcat Invitational, a tournament for 30-plus
high school teams on the NU campus in Evanston, Illinois. Because of
scheduling conflicts with the IHSA season, this was the best date
available, and as such it happens to conflict with Homecoming and our
football team's game against Purdue. Even though our team stinks,
some of our members will probably be skipping out to see the game,
and as such we expect to be low on moderators (and in general we will
be quite low on *experienced* moderators).
If you attend a local university or will be in the area and have some
moderating experience (even just in practice), Northwestern would be
greatly indebted to you, particularly on such short notice, if you
could donate some of your time to our cause. If you are from a local
program, we'd be willing to donate moderators to a tournament of
yours in return.
If you'd like to help us out, please e-mail me at r-
flaxman_at_... and I'll fill you in with any specifics you
Robert Flaxman