Georgia Tech will host the 2003 MLK Weekend Tournament on Saturday,
January 18, 2003. The tournament will follow ACF guidelines and will
be open to Division I and Division II teams.
The official tournament announcement will be available soon at
Each participating team is asked to submit a tournament packet
conforming to ACF distribution* (refer to The fee
structure is listed below.
* When considering tossup difficulty, please try and write a packet
that a solid majority of Division II teams could answer by the end.
As for boni, the difficulty should be graded so that most teams would
score at least 10 points, about half would score 20 points, and the
best teams would score all 30.
Base Fee: $100
Packet (submitted by 12/28/02): -$20
Packet (submitted by 1/4/03): -$10
Working Buzzer: -$5
Experienced Moderator: -$10
Second Team: -$5
Minimum Fee per Team: $65
Please contact Saurabh Vishnubhakat (quizbowl_at_...) for more