You all have been dying to find out whether DSHIT VI, the University
of Maryland's annual tournament for first and second year players,
will happen. The answer is yes. Breathe.
What we would like is some help deciding when to hold it. Our main
thrust is twofold:
1. We want to conflict with as few spring breaks as possible.
2. Because DSHIT is packet submission, we would like to hold it the
same weekend as another junior bird or another tournament of similar
difficulty to open packet trading possibilities, since expecting all
attending teams to submit a packet is wishful thinking.
The set of prospective dates is the following: February 22nd, March
1st, March 8th, and March 15th. I realize February 22nd may be CBI
regionals weekend, but many schools in our region do not play CBI,
and only one team from each school can attend a CBI regional, leaving
the B teams to us :-)
Anyway, please email me (dgreens at if you want to
suggest a date or propose a junior bird two-way mirror.
Thank you,
Daniel Greenstein
Maryland Academic Quiz Team