Dave said: << AHEM!!!! Good teams in
Illinois DO NOT prefer questions in style 1 or 2!
I only said "a lot of teams" not any one in
general. :) I didn't say that there are that many good
teams that prefer that style. ... just that a lot of
times I see that many teams prefer these questions... a
lot more than I usually expect frankly. Then there's
Answers Plus [ <a href=http://www.quizbowl.com/ target=new>http://www.quizbowl.com/</a> ] that write
questions that are slightly more difficult than style 2 in
some cases... at least according to their sample
questions for the Illinois HS State Championship... You
should see some of the doozies for Ohio, but I won't go
there (as everyone who knows my opinion on that sighs
Of course, I'm guessing that's what you were
inferring about regarding the resistance to changing things
about the nature of bonuses... :)