Hello all,
This is an update for ACF Fall at ISU to be held this Saturday, Nov.
2nd. So far I have the following teams registered.
Chicago A
Illinois A
Carleton A
Carleton B
Carleton C
and 1-2 house teams
Grinnell and an Illinois B team have also expressed interest. They
should get back to me as soon as possible.
If any other schools are interested in bringing a team I'm sure
something can be arranged if they contact me by Wednesday
The tournament will be held in Carver Hall (the location of our Fall
Tournament). Registration will begin at 8:45 and play will start at
9:30. It will be some incarnation of round-robin plus bracket play.
If you have any questions comments or concerns I can be reached at
bigc_at_... (bigc at iastate dot edu).
Matt Cvijanovich
ACF Fall Midwest Tournament Director