Hopefully this message won't get lost in all the discussion on the
circuit future and NAQT sites... Anyway, our HS tourney here at
Vanderbilt is rapidly approaching (Nov. 15-16), and we're struggling
to get all the questions written ourselves, as is our custom. Since
our tournament field is so large, obviously there would be many
unhappy people if we have to pull some low-quality questions out of
some as-of-yet unknown place. So, if anyone out there would like to
submit some freelance packets or work out a swap, we'd be extremely
grateful. Anyone giving us good questions will most likely receive
the whole set in return as a thank you. Contact me at (matt dot
keller at vanderbilt dot edu) or our qb address at (vuquizbowl at
yahoo dot com) if you're interested. Thanks a lot.
Matt Keller
co-President, VU Quiz Bowl