Stop me if I'm wrong here, but don't most programs have as many
practice packets as they need? I don't know how many tournaments
Oklahoma doesn't go to, but basically, if you don't go to a
tournament, that's two or three weeks' worth of practice packets
right there... just download it, or trade for it, or buy it, or
whatever. And if you do go to a tournament, get the packets from
there, wait a year or two, and then use them at practice. Sure,
there might be some kind of vestigial packet memory going on, but if
you can get a serious advantage from hearing questions you heard two
years ago, you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. In any event,
it's better (in my opinion) than practicing on non-tournament-quality
questions from a bunch of random scrubs you've never heard of. (And
if the questions are tournament-quality, people should be using them
in tournaments... there's no great surplus of tournament-quality
questions out there, y'know?) Basically, BU has as many packets as
we need without resorting to using questions that never existed (of
course, we do have to maintain that supply, but it's not like we're
living hand-to-mouth on the packet front), and I was under the
impression that this was true of all colleges. If it's not, I rather
wonder why not...