> Tom had already secured his place in legend with the "called shot" -
> the academic competition equivalent of Babe Ruth's pointing to the
> outfield and then homering to the spot. Coming down the stretch in
> match, Tom had announced he was going to buzz in on the next
> after one word. After hearing "Extremism" he rang-in with "Barry
> Goldwater," and nailed it. Though not the quickest correct buzz
> ever heard of (there was a player at Michigan State in the early
> who signalled after one syllable - "Nim" [pron: Neem] with the
> answer "denim")I think it's the most impressive.
At FOGHAT, someone playing for Iowa buzzed in on a the last tu with
the answer of UHF after the moderator said "tossup the last".
Granted this was a round that had a theme which one could reasonably
deduce the final answer would be UHF, but having the balls to
actually buzz in before a syllable is uttered is fairly impressive in
my book.
Sean Phillips