Some "qb-standard" lead-ins are the result of lazy writing by
experienced players, but these often occur when a younger player
begins a quesiton with a clue he thinks is cool and interesting and
unique. Unfortunately for Jr., the clue is cool and interesting but
due to its coolness and interestingness, it is no longer
considered "unique" by QB players.
For instance: when I was a freshman, I wrote a tossup about Piaget
whose first clue was his research as a child into albinism in pigeons
or some annoying urban bird. I thought this was fairly obscure - I
sure didn't know it - and I was really shocked to see (albeit in a
match between two fairly good teams) half the room involved in a
buzzer race.
Even editors who do a good job with a vast majority of the tournament
might have a hard time picking out a "standard" lead-in to a subject
they are not particularly strong at.
Matt Schneller