I went back through UTC tournament records from 1997 to the present
and found one more example of a perfect game at the high school level.
Again, the team going 20-for-20 was Detroit Catholic Central, with a
615-0 win in the 2001 Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial High School
The best collegiate performance I found was by Kentucky in the 2001
Moon Pie Classic, a 605-0 win in which they got 19 tossups and 1 neg.
The closest to perfection in our trash tournaments was Hattori
Nutrition College (James Quintong, Victoria Rubin, Phil Groce, and
Keith Hudson), who got 18 tossups and 2 negs in one round of the 2000
RC Cola Classic.
And how's this for a performance not likely to be duplicated: In the
same tournament (Dennis Haskins Open 200), Halls High of Knoxville,
TN, had both an 18-tossup round and a zero-tossup round.