Hats off to the following individuals for bragging rights at COTKU 2002. (For the uninitiated: UTC created a stat we call bragging rights, when one and only one person at a tournament answers a particular tossup.) J.R. of South Carolina, you now own Minoru Yamassaki. Raj of Florida A, you have chemical potential Seth of Kentucky A, you own the Calling of Matthew. BTW, only two tossups (Empire Falls and -- much to my surprise -- "High Flight") went unanswered in all rooms. As for the gloriously wrong buzzes, remember that these all made sense at the point where they were answered, so no disrespect is intended. Note that usually the gloriously wrong answers are recorded by the stronger players in the field, the ones who dare to buzz in on the first clue. Wrong answer: capybara Right answer: Komodo dragon (Kricket Davis, Berry) and, ironically: Wrong answer: Komodo dragon Right answer: housefly (Thomas Swain, Florida State B) Wrong answer: Betrand Russell's "Why I Am Not a Christian" RIght answer: Thomas Paine's "The Age of Reason" (Shannon Moore, UTC A) Wrong answer: the Missing Link Right answer: Grecian urn (Shae Williams, Georgia Tech) Wrong answer: "The Potato Eaters" Right answer: "The Calling of St. Matthew" (Kelly McKenzie, Kentucky B) Wrong answer: Swan Lake Right answer: 1812 Overture (??) Wrong answer: Catherine the Great Right answer: Mother Seton (Jeff Zahnen, Florida A) Wrong answer: Toni Morrison's "Beloved" Right answer: the Book of Philemon (Vernon Davenport, South Carolina)
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