On Saturday, November 9, 2002, twenty-one teams descended upon
Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh for TRASH Mid-Atlantic
Regionals. Many hours later, the Mike Keenan Employment Agency, LLC
(Michigan alumni) staggered out the winner, and "Shop Smart, Shop S-
Mart" (Case Western Reserve University) was the undergraduate
champion. Dwight Kidder, playing as the "Traficant 2012 Committee,"
took top scorer honors.
Full statistics are available on the web at
http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/college-bowl/trash/ . Thanks to Jim
Puls for manning the Livestat console in my absence, to Erin Korber
and Mike Tolan for fixing the schedule umpteen times, and to everyone
who showed up to moderate, read, and otherwise make this tournament
run as smoothly as possible.
We look forward to seeing you back at Carnegie Mellon sometime soon!
Jason Weill
Carnegie Mellon College Bowl