Holy God, Harry Potter has infiltrated college bowl.
On a totally polar opposite note, look up Rejected by Don Hertzfeldt
on Kazaa or your other favorite downloading server, or whatnot.
You'll either laugh until you cry, or you'll be so freaked out you'll
lose all respect for me as a human being.
--- In quizbowl_at_y..., Stephen Taylor <stephen_taylor_qb_at_y...> wrote:
> That's a hoot. I guess my Slytherin days at Georgia Tech have been
overcome by now. . .
> Stephen Taylor, Gryffindor (ret.)
> mildew4u <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:Calling all witches, wizards, and
Muggles! Before you see the next
> "Harry Potter" movie, find out which Hogwarts house you would play
> quiz bowl for by taking the test at:
> <http://www.geocities.com/mildew4u/hp/qbsort.html>.
> --Gail
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