(High School tournament)
The Duke University College Bowl Club announces (finally) its 11th
Duke Academic Festival for Saturday, February 15, 2003, on its campus
in Durham, North Carolina.
To pre-register: please send an email to Emil Thomas Chuck (etchuck
is the Yahoo address), who is the tournament director. Entries will
be compiled on a first-come first-served basis, and no more than two
teams per school. Please declare the number of buzzer systems your
school can bring or wish to announce for discount purposes.
Additional teams may be requested later if there are still open slots
in January 2003. Teams that register for the 2003 Duke Academic
Festival receive a copy of last year's questions in January 2003. If
you competed in last year's Duke Academic Festival, you should
already have a copy of last year's questions.
Please note: I will be on vacation between December 12 and 31 with
unknown access to the internet since I'm going to China. It would be
really good to register before I leave.