This is not exactly Quiz Bowl related, except that the UWO Quiz Bowl
club was involved. The UWO History Society, for the second year in
a row, held its Trivia Bowl this past week. This is a Jeopardy-
style tournament where three teams of three players each (two
students and a professor) play each other, with the three winning
teams playing in the finals.
I believe I posted this last year as well, when a Quiz Bowl team
(myself and Adam Toews, with Dr. Skoczylas) won the tournament; this
year, unfortunately, Team Skoczylas (with Matt Trudgen replacing
Adam Toews) lost in the first round. We have brought shame upon the
Quiz Bowl club! What sad times these are when Quiz Bowl's only two
history students, using Quiz Bowl's buzzers, cannot beat other teams
of history students and professors! And this was the only thing we
are capable of winning all year, too...ah well.
More complete results (as complete as I could get off the top of my
head), if anyone is interested, can be found at
Adam Bishop