Plans are in the works for the first ever Beer, Broads and Bourbon
Bowl to be held on the lovely campus of Tulane University in Sin
City, aka New Orleans, LA. This will be an ACF-style tourney for
UNDERGRADS ONLY. Packet submisson will be required. Right now the
date is not certain. We have to decide among (all Saturdays) March
28, April 5, and April 12. Note that April 5 is the day of NAQT
Nationals in Los Angeles. Again, this tournament is in the planning
stages; we are just trying to gage interest. So if you are at all
interested, please e-mail me at akolko_at_... with a preferred
date from those 3, an idea of how many teams you might be bringing,
and any questions you might have.
Allen Kolko
Tournament Director
Beer, Broads and Bourbon Bowl