I'm not sure how different things in the southeast are from the
mid-Atlantic, but here the last two juniorbirds (one NAQT and one
mACF) were way overstaffed. At Swat this weekend there were three
moderators from non-Swarthmore schools sitting in the stats room
playing the rounds for lack of other things to do, to say nothing of a
few Swarthmore folks who didn't have a whole lot to do for much of the
time. This was with a scorekeeper in every room. If things are
anything like this down south, you should be able to run a
non-wonky-style juniorbird with only a few moderators (and a TD/stat
jockey) from your own school. You can give big discounts for
moderators if you feel the need (I think you'll need to charge
something for the tourney, if only to pay for the questions - NAQT
sets aren't free). The format you proposed is likely to degenerate
into chaos - one person misses his assignment, and your tournament is
set back a round, or at least a few minutes.
A few amusing moments from said Swarthmore tournament: 1) Back-to-back
tossups had answers "garbology" and "number." 2) CMU gets a bonus
asking for a Hindu god. Grasping for an answer, someone from CMU (I
think it was Elliott, who was quite impressive in that round) probably
thinking of Parvati says "Pa-Par-Pavarotti." Whereupon Josh Levit
suggested that if Pavarotti were a Hindu god, he would be the god of