I guess I should weigh in on this, because I do have an opinion and I've never been one to hold back. I'm a firm believer that the best way to get good is to get thrown into the fray and get your ass handed to you a few times. You can only get better if you have to play against people who are better than you. That's how I played in high school, and it worked out pretty well. Speaking for Georgia Tech's tournament (which is really Saurabh's place but he doesn't post here much): We're trying to make the questions fairly accessible to younger teams while still having stuff in there that still allows more experienced teams show their stuff. Isn't that the goal of most non-national championship tournaments now? If not it should at least enter the thought processes of all question writers. As for Clemson's idea for the tournament: Looks like a neat idea, and I would play, except I got a little disillusioned with NAQT in high school after the trash kicked in. I don't mind a little trash here and there, but NAQT has allowed it to become a major field that can decide matches, which should never be the case for anything that isn't a TRASH tournament (for obvious reasons). I like their little quirks, the timed rounds keep things brisk while power points make the risk of negging a little more worthwhile (which sounds like something a high school coach would say, but it's true). If they toned down the TRASH questions a little I would become more of a fan. If you do have this tournament, I'll see if I can coax our team to go, because it seems like it'd be fun. Just my thoughts on the matter, Stephen Webb
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