In case you didn't get the word earlier, TrashMasters 2002 will be held in Chattanooga on Sat.-Sun., Dec. 7-8, 2002. This is the 10th annual edition of the nation's longest running trash tournament. There's still time to join the fray; if you need the full announcement, please let me know. Even if you aren't coming to play, if you're willing to come help officiate, we have wonderful bribes like free dinner, free practice questions, or even discounts on future academic tournaments. As of the moment we have 15 teams who've told me they're coming for TrashMasters. I'm sure there are some I've left off -- please check to see if your team is listed, and if not, please let me know whassup -- my e-mail is steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net. Also, if you're interested in latching on somewhere as a free agent, let me know that too. I know Dave Vacca and Dennis Thibodeaux are looking for good homes. There's also the question of packets. I got two more tonight, bringing us to eight. Unless we get a bunch more it'll either be a short tournament or a really long K-Tel Hell session. If you're attending (or freelancing), please let me know the status of your packets. Thanks. On my list: Barker et al. Castagna/Young et al Celio/Vrailas et al Edward MulhareCut 100 Emory >From Beneath You, It Deflowers My Big Fat Greek Gerbil GWU Schluessel et al. Macon State Rollins/Hendry/Dawson Soul Truck UTC Washington U. Wichita State A Wichita State B
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