Why can't current events be part of an academic tournament? Isn't it
just as important to know what's going on in the world today in an
academic setting as it is to know what happened 200 or 2000 years
ago? I agree that there is a considerable amount of trash (i.e.
sports and music, etc.) in NAQT packets, that maybe is excessive, but
I see nothing wrong with current events as academic knowledge.
> The problem (well, to me anyway) is that there is a lot of trash
> current events in NAQT, far more than you would expect in any mACF
> style tournament. I've heard packets where it seemed like one of
> every four questions was either trash of current events, which
> pretty high for a supposedly academic tournament. This comes at the
> expense of academic categories, which I think is a shame. I still
> play NAQT because I think it's a good format and it's worth my
> but I would definitely like it more if they scaled back on the