Hi all,
Thanks to Samer for pointing out
that I should post here as well as on qb.
sort of ad hoc team (Ken Jennings, Jeremy Horwitz and
I) is coming from out west to the tourneys at
Michigan next week. We don't need help on the packets, all
you would have to do is show up and play. If you
would be flying in, we already have a rental
So about us. Ken is about as good as any player in
the nation at both regular qb and trash. He was the
captain on BYU's now funding-defunct team. Jeremy, well
heck you all know Jeremy, and if you do know him, you
must know that he is flying out there for trash. Me, I
played with Ken on the BYU team that had been top ten
for the last few years. I do fine at regular, but
really, I like trash better. Never been there, but I
think (and Jeremy seems to agree) that the three of us
could come pretty close to winning Ann B. Davis. Add in
a talented fourth and keep Jeremy from negging and
I think we're looking pretty good.
If you
want to just play trash, that is fine with us. No
offense, but we are mostly going there to play
So, there it is. Send me an email
(cahille_at_...) if you're interested.