As of 22 November, the following teams have expressed interest in
attending the Georgia Tech MLK tournament (January 11, 2003). If
you would like to attend and are not listed, the deadline for RSVPs
is December 28. If information here concerning your team is
incorrect, please send me corrections ASAP.
Division I
Emory (1 team)
Florida (2 teams)
Maryland (1 team)
South Carolina (1 team)
UT-Knoxville (1 team)
Division II
Athens State (1 team)
Florida (1 team)
Macon State (2 teams)
Depending on how much interest we receive, the tournament field cap
may be expanded beyond 10 teams per division. So if you're
interested, please do respond. And just as a reminder, no packet
submission is required.
Detailed tournament information is available at through the MLK Weekend
tournament link.
Saurabh Vishnubhakat
(quizbowl at gatech dot edu)