Congratulations to Thomas Jefferson High School who defeated Eleanor
Roosevelt High School in the finals 530-290 in this year's 10th
annual MHSIT, held at the University of Maryland, College Park, by
the Maryland Academic Quiz Team. St. Anselm's and Maret High Schools
were the other 2 semifinalists. 64 teams, in 2 brackets of 32, each
played 5 rounds of swiss-pair play, with the top 8 in each bracket
advancing to a single-elim playoff.
The top 8 in the Autobots bracket:
T. Jefferson A, Blair A, Sidwell A, Holton-Arms, J. Madison,
Centennial B, St. Anselm's A, E. Roosevelt
And in the Decepticons bracket:
Blake, Gonzaga, Dematha A, Centennial A, Mills Godwin A, Hammond B,
Maret A, O'Connell
Full results for the swiss-pair rounds and the playoffs can be found
Thanks to all the teams who made the tournament a success, plus staff
members from the MAQT, Rob Hershey, Walton Jue, Bill Crew, James
Dinan, John Nam, and Frank Amtmann. We hope to see teams again for
the NAQT HS Maryland state tournament and our Maryland Classic HS
Tourney both in the Spring.
Chris Chrzanowski
President, MAQT