Since no one else has posted these yet, I figured I'd post some brief
results of USF's Fall Novice Tournament (a mirror of Illinois's Novice
Tournament), held this Saturday in Tampa.
In the final, UF A beat Valencia B (215-170, I think) to win the
title. Both UF A (Irena Li, Kelly Barone, Michael Swick, and Jariel)
and Valencia B (Amy Harvey, Taz Zifos, Elissa, and Jamie) were
undefeated up to that point, I believe. USF took 3rd, while Valencia
A was 4th.
The top scorer was Jay from USF at around 70ppg, followed by Irena
from UF A and Amy from Valencia B. The "neg champions" were Jay from
USF and, lapping the field with 14 negs, Alan (or perhaps Allen) from
My thanks to USF and Ahmed the Mighty for running a good tournament
and supplying a bunch of pizzas. Official results to follow soon from
some official person.
--Raj Dhuwalia, UF