Hello all--
The Indiana Juniorbird Tournament will go on as scheduled next
weekend, December 7, at Indiana University, Bloomington
despite some rumors to the contrary. Due to several unfortunate
complications involving packet mixups, however, we will be
making a fee change:
$75 per team (from $85)
-$10 per buzzer system
-$10 for bringing a game official
The fee change reflects the fact that we will be using NAQT
questions that are a season old, yet have not been heard by
Midwest/Upper South area teams. Because we will use a set
that is not blind to teams outside the region, the tournament will
be limited to teams within 500 miles of Bloomington, per
Mapquest. If you believe your team meets the spirit of that
limitation if not the letter, contact me and I'll let you know if our
will be blind to your team. This affects none of the teams that
have so far expressed interest.
We're currently expecting five teams, so there are 3 more spaces
available. I'll accept team reservations until thursday, December
5, so reserve your space quickly by contacting me, Wesley
Mathews at castrioti_at_....