Dear QuizBowlers -
This is the last reminder I will post here about the TCO game on
December 5th. The important tidbit in this post is that due to
circumstances beyond my control, the game start time will be delayed
to 8 PM Central from 7:30 PM Central, and log-in will begin at
7:30. Full information at
If I may, I would like to thank the moderators (and other members)
for their openness and fairness in allowing me to post here. As a
trivia-lover and Academic competitor, I decided after long thought
that my game would be relevant - and I am glad to see that at least
some of you agree. I will in the future, as I have in the past, try
to keep my posts short, to the point, and infrequent (I won't be
posting again for a while, most likely). Thanks again for your
support and open-mindedness - and I hope to see some of you at the
game on Thursday.
Ben Stewart
P.S. If messages you aren't interested in are eating your bandwidth,
try changing your membership settings so you receive daily digests
of e-mail instead of individual messages. It has helped me and my
56K modem immensely.