After several frenzied e-mail correspondences, the field for Bulldogs Over Broadway 2002: Time to Drop the Samer has been officially set. The following teams will be competing in the tournament this Saturday in New Haven: 1. Brandeis 2. Cornell 3. Harvard 4. M.I.T. 5. Princeton A 6. Princeton B 7. Rice 8. Rutgers 9. Rutgers-Newark 10. Swarthmore 11. Yeshiva The tournament will be held in William L. Harkness Memorial Hall, generally abbreviated as WLH, on Cross Campus. A map indicating the locations of tournament headquarters, available parking locations, and the sites of convenient restaurants is posted on the YSAC website at: This page also contains driving directions from I-91, I-95, and the Wilbur Cross Parkway. Those schools interested in driving up on Friday and staying overnight should check the listing of New Haven accomodations at The Omni Hotel and Holiday Inn are both within easy walking distance of the tournament. IMPORTANT TOURNAMENT TIMES AND LOGISTICS Registration will begin at 9:00 in WLH's Room 112. Rounds will be held on WLH's first floor and will start promptly at 9:30. Since the tournament is scheduled to be a full round robin, we want to get started as quickly as possible. This will be a modified ACF format tournament, with untimed rounds consisting of 20 tossups and associated bonuses. The overall winner will be determined following a weighted best-of-three series of playoff matches. There will be individual prizes for high scorers. It is anticipated the tournament will run at least until 4:30-5:00 in the afternoon and possibly later, so make your travel plans accordingly. This should cover the major details about the tournament. Any further questions should be e-mailed to me at benjamin.gross_at_.... Also, if all teams bringing buzzers or moderators could please e-mail to confirm that as well, I would appreciate it greatly. I look forward to seeing all of you on Saturday! -Ben
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