You always remember the questions you hate, and that's usually when
it's considered "overrepresented." My former Battleplanet teammate
Adam always insisted there were too many hockey questions and too
many sports questions in general, even when there were only one or
two in a round. I always hear other teams complain about comic
book/anime/graphic novel questions, when there's usually only one
per round. The lack of Doctor Who questions must be addressed
sometime. For the record, I thought the questions at Trashionals
were right on par, since it is a national level tourney, so it
should be the NAQT Nationals of Pop Culture, but not necessarily the
ACF Nationals version. Trashmasters has always seemed to be about
Trashionals level, and it is Trash "Masters," after all. (There's
the Doctor Who reference...)
David Murphy,
Who missed his second Trashmasters in a row, but will probably
attend Duck Bowl for the second time. It's the easier drive with the
baby, sorry, Charlie.
PS: To anyone at Iowa, what's up with "Eleven" this year, since ACF
Regionals is scheduled the same weekend?