Since I'm not leaving as soon as I thought I was, the early
registration/packet deadline has beem moved up to noon, Friday Dec. 20.
Remember, you can get $10 off just be registering early, so don't
delay... Sign up today!
I'm also adding another level of packet discounts-
-$10 off if it's in by Fri. Jan 17
And, just for the hell of it, The Memorial "Switch" Discount:
-$10 off if you went to CBI Regionals last year
I will still be away from regular online access between then and Jan.
14, so remember not to send me packets between the 20th and the 14th
(you can of course still register, ask questions, the like).
As always, you can reach me at cwhite2 [at] swarthmore [dot] edu; the
official announcement is at
Hope to see you all in February,
Chris White
Swarthmore College Bowl