Allow me to play Gasche to a quizbowl community brimming with would- be Merleau-Pontys and hyper-reflectively pre-empt them from deconstructing the text of "The Hidden Agenda" in such a manner that might incriminate me. Part 1 – Background for Analyticity "The Hidden Agenda," an ingenious coagulation of wit and barbarism, a dialectical masterpiece synthesizing the beautiful and the sublime. To construct this anomalism of the mental would require a certain familiarity with the humanities and social sciences that I do not possess. As a disciple of the natural sciences, I am unable to comprehend the myriad literary references, philosophical texts, and social constructs alluded to with such panache and verve. While I enjoy occasionally delving into these realms of alternative knowledge (I believe it was Henault who said "Indocti discant et ament meminisse periti"), I must admit my general ignorance in such matters and my incapability in arranging them so cleverly. Whereof I cannot speak, thereof I must be silent. Part 2 – The Profit Motive What could I possibly gain by such blatant accusations of racism against the very foundations of quizbowl? At first glance, it might seem logical to point fingers at the most vociferous member of the organization so wonderfully extolled in "The Hidden Agenda." And I will be the first to admit that I sometimes respond too harshly to certain types of posts. Like a modern Diomedes, I often charge headlong into the fray, wounding mortal and immortal alike, alight with a divinely-inspired sense of immunity. Like a dome of many- colored glass, I have stained the white radiance of quizbowl. However, I have no reason to engage in such vitriol this day. Too often have I upheld the place NAQT has in the community. Many are the times I have defended that organization from potential vilifiers. No, I am not he whom you seek, the mastermind behind "The Hidden Agenda." You purport that I am The Eggman. I am merely The Walrus. Part 3 – This A. Nonymous Dude is Quite the Prolific Writer I have never posted anything anonymously, nor do I plan on doing so. I have stated time and again that the only things that truly speak for ACF are the questions. If that is the case, why would I hide the black skin of my opinions behind a white mask? You are Roberto della Grive searching for the Ferrante that never existed when you think me involved, brother. Conclusion – My Exegesis There is only one person who fits the criteria for writing "The Hidden Agenda". Only one man with the erudition, one man with the motive, and one man with the desire to remain anonymous. There is only one man capable of probing the dizzying heights and the abject lows that permeate the QB community in such succinct and poignant prose. That man is Zwarte Piet. Shiva help us all. R. Bhan
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