Duke College Bowl is calling for available volunteers willing to
assist us as readers or scorekeepers at our upcoming high school
tournament on Saturday, February 15. In deference to travel
arrangements made by teams flying into RDU, we are planning to
complete the tournament by around 6pm.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact me. I have
space in my apartment for crash space. Let me know as soon as
possible if you can make it. Volunteers will also get a free copy of
the tournament's questions for your own practices. If you and a
significant other want suggestions for restaurants for Valentine's
Day during your stay in Durham, I certainly will do my best to
provide concierge-like suggestions. Otherwise, depending on people's
schedules, I can certainly underwrite dinner for Saturday night.
Volunteers may not act as chaperones or coaches for any of the
participating teams. Certainly if you want to recruit teams for your
tournaments scheduled later in the year, you are more than welcome to
make flyers to distribute to the teams.