Last year, TRASH (Testing Recall About Strange Happenings) made
headlines in the quiz bowl community when Paul Goebel, the TV Geek
from Comedy Central's "Beat the Geeks," donated a question and a
prize to TRASHionals 2002 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
This year, TRASH has done it again. A game show legend has
agreed to donate a prize to the TRASHionals 2003 kitty, provided we
don't reveal said person's name until the prize is given! All TRASH
can say is that person is one of the most recognizable names in U.S.
T-V game shows.
TRASH has also received a prize from the host city of this
summer's Viva TRASH Vegas extravaganza - Las Vegas. All we can say
about this prize is that it's a Vegas staple and it's clean (sorry
folks with dirty minds :) ).
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH