The University of Chicago College Bowl Team is pleased to host the ACF
(Upper) Midwest Regional tournament, to be held February 15, 2003.
The fee structure is as follows:
Base fee for A teams: $90
Base fee for additional teams: $85
Each working buzzer: -$10
Each moderator used for the tournament: -$10
Packet discounts: detailed in message 10888
Minimum fee per team: $60
To register, send mail to peonyisi at midway.uchicago.edu, and be sure
to mention any buzzers and moderators you plan to bring.
For this tournament, we promise:
* Vending machines in the building.
* Lunch.
* Parking nearby.
* At least 12 rounds for each team.
* All packets photocopied before tournament.
We hope to provide:
* Live (as in internet) statistics.
* Some amount of internet access.
* Fabulous prizes.
Hope to see you then,
Peter Onyisi, TD