TRASH and ExperTrivia LLC proudly offer the following airline and
car rental discounts for Viva TRASH Vegas competitors and Game Show
Congress attendees and exhibitors...
Southwest Airlines is offering discounts of up to 10 percent for
Viva TRASH Vegas and Game Show Congress. To make a reservation on
Southwest, call 800-433-5368 and mention I-D Code J8604.
United Airlines is also offering discounts - five percent off the
lowest applicable fare, 10 percent off unrestricted mid-week fare
seven days in advance, and an additional five percent for all flights
booked 30 days in advance. To make a reservation on United, call 800-
521-4101 and mention I-D Code 515BE.
United is offering us car rental discounts through Alamo and
Avis. If you make a United reservation through the United I-D Code,
you can call Alamo and Avis and get discounts. For Avis, call 877-
289-2611 and mention I-D Code K019303. For Alamo, call 800-327-9633
and mention I-D Code 389817GR.
In addition, TRASH is working out a deal with a local rental
agency, U-S Rent-a-Car, on a convention car rental program. More
info forthcoming...
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH