U.S. RENT A CAR is giving Viva TRASH Vegas a special rate. To make a
reservation with them, call (800) 777-9377 or (702) 798-6100. To
receive these rates, you must ask for the "TRASH" convention group
discount. You can also make a reservation by e-mail
RACMARKETING_at_... - indicate your arrival and departure dates and
the type of car you want to reserve, and they will e-mail you a
confirmation. Reservations are strongly recommended.
When you arrive at the Las Vegas airport, locate their phone at the
call board in Baggage Claim, and they will pick you up at the
airport. For those of you spending extra time in the area, these
rates are also available during the week before and after the
conference. Below is the list of special rates, which include
Size Daily Rate Weekly Rate
Compact $18.95 $110.95
Intermediate $21.95 $114.95
Full Size $26.95 $129.95
Premium Car $33.95 $179.95
Mini Van $44.95 $229.95
S.U.V $49.95 $234.95
One other thing - U.S. Rent-a-Car has agreed to donate 10% of all
proceeds from sales to Teach for America. So if you rent a car from
U.S. RAC, you'll benefit a good cause!!
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH