Novice Undergraduate Tournament in the Spring

The Wichita State University A.Q.T. is proud to announce that we'll 
be hosting a Novice Undergraduate Tournament in the Spring (i.e., 
N.U.T.S.) on Saturday, March 8, 2003 at W.S.U. This tournament will 
mirror the DSHIT events at Maryland and Georgia Tech on 3/1.

- This modified ACF tournament is open to all collegiate teams of 
first and second year players and all community college teams. 
Bastard teams may play with consent of the tournament director but 
will be ineligible for prizes and/or playoffs. 

- To register, please email Vic D'Amico at wsuquizbowl(at)

- All teams must submit a packet except teams composed entirely of 
players who have never attended a non-CBI tournament, and third and 
subsequent teams from a school. I am encouraging the teams to write 
under the guidance of veteran team members, but those veterans can 
write for them. 

- Teams may request a special exemption from writing a packet. Such 
requests must be directed to Daniel Greenstein at dgreens(at) by January 31st.

Here is the packet breakdown:

Packet distribution: 
5\5 Science
5\5 History
5\5 Literature
2\2 Fine Arts
2\2 Mythology/Philosophy/Religion
2\2 General Knowledge/Trash/Current Events
2\2 Social Science
1\1 Geography
1\1 Your Preference

This totals 25 tossups and 25 boni.

We are aiming for an ACF Fall Tournament level of difficulty.  
Please refer to the question-writing guidelines that can be found at: 

- Packets should be sent to Daniel Greenstein at dgreens(at)
wam.umd.eduin in either MS Word (strongly preferred), RTF or text 

Base fee: $80 
Each additional team: $70
Working buzzers: -$10 for each 
Experienced moderator: -$10 for each 
Tournament packet set: $20
Minimum fee $50 per team

Packet discounts/penalties: 
Packet in by 11:59 pm, January 17th: $20 discount 
Packet in by 11:59 pm, January 31st: $10 discount 
Packet in by 11:59 pm, February 7th: No penalty 
Packet in by 11:59 pm, February 14th: $10 penalty 
Packet in by 11:59 pm, February 21st: $30 penalty 
No packet: no play unless exempted

More info. about the event will soon be available at the following 

Vic D'Amico
Wichita State

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